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Eurosceptic Bloggers

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill

Over at Right Links, we have launched a Blog Campaign to raise awareness of the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill. This bill is a piece of illiberal rubbish, totally unsuitable for the country that developed parliamentary democracy. We have decided to ask a number of questions about the bill, of which the two below are the most relevant to this Blog:

  1. Why does the Bill change the current procedures for the enactment into our law of EU legislation?
  2. What guarantees are there that the Bill could not be used to bring in the EU Constitution by the back door?
What is being sold as a way of cutting red tape, actually looks more like a way of speeding up the process of passing EU directives and regulations into UK Law. Please join the campaign, blog about it and write to your MP.

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