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Eurosceptic Bloggers

Friday, March 18, 2005

French Euroscepticism

The normally Euro Idealists south of the channel have been changing their tune lately. Upset by the Neo Liberal agenda of former Maoist Barroso, they are constantly sniping about Anglo Saxonisation of their beloved Social Market Superstate.
An exasperated Mr Barroso on Thursday told an audience of parliamentarians, including French deputies: "I have to tell you frankly that I am sometimes amazed by the French debate, with all due respect to French democracy. The debate is to a certain extent biased and skewed," he said, adding that it was "giving excuses to euro-phobes and euro-sceptics".
Well I am not one to refuse a well given excuse, after there is a referendum on its way.
He said there was "clearly a risk" that France could vote No to the constitution - effectively killing the treaty.
Yes we live in hope.

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