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Eurosceptic Bloggers

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Bankrolling Hamas

We can't let the Palestinians pay the consequences of electing a terrorist government.

The European Union is to lead international efforts to restore the flow of foreign aid to the Palestinian people. The plan, decided on at a meeting in New York of the so-called Quartet of Middle East peace brokers - the EU, US, Russia and the UN - aims to bypass the Hamas-led government.
Of course they won't pay money direct to Hamas, but will that make a difference?
  1. All staff that they pay, will sooner or later be Hamas supporters. Hams will sack exisiting staff and push in their friends. Thats how things are done in such countries.
  2. The small amount of money that they raise themselves will be easier to spend where they like, if we pay some of their bills.
  3. Palestinians will feel free to vote for such nasty parties, secure in the knowledge that we will continue to pay the bills.
So nice that we are being forced to pay for this.

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