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Eurosceptic Bloggers

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

EU Out Do Enron

Once again, surprise surprise, the EU accounts have not been up to scratch.
The EU Court of Auditors' refusal to give a positive statement of assurance for the EU accounts - for the eleventh successive year - will become a permanent feature of the EU unless member states face up to their responsibility to ensure funds channelled through them are better accounted for, James Elles MEP, Conservative spokesman on budgetary control in the European Parliament, said today.
Which is one way of looking at it. In any other organisation, failure to account for money spent would result in the flow of money stopping, the money being repaid or on occasions, time in jail. Somehow in the EU, so full of leftie critics of Enron and Halliburton, fail to hold their own organisation to anything like the same level of scrutiny.

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