Eurosceptic Bloggers
If any of my fellow Eurosceptic Bloggers are interested, I have set up a mailing list for likeminded souls. The idea is that we can share ideas and stories, and maybe coordinate some actions. If you are interested, apply here.
A perspective on the abolition of the countries of Europe and with it the rights and freedoms of a whole continent of people.
If any of my fellow Eurosceptic Bloggers are interested, I have set up a mailing list for likeminded souls. The idea is that we can share ideas and stories, and maybe coordinate some actions. If you are interested, apply here.
Posted by
9/27/2006 03:59:00 pm
Ooo, ooo, was I the first?
Is it just for right wing eurosceptics, or do you let others join too?
If so maybe you should consider changing the description of the list? That bit about the EU as a Socialist Republic is a turn off.
By the way, I do most of my blogging on my Swedish blog, but I still up-date Eurosceptic Sweden when the occasion calls for it.
Call it the European Federation instead. That's what it was conceived as and that's what it will end up being.
I have joined, lets hope we will make a difference.
Serf, how about a logo of some kind to put into our sidebar, proudly displaying Eurosceptic tendencies?
Wonko, you were first.
Max, you are right, I will change it.
James, I'm working on it.
Anything against the EU gets my attention.
Count me in chaps
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